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How it works

Understanding a property Crowdfunding investment with Burcote Developments.

An investment with Burcote Developments is structured as a loan. You the investor lend money to us the developer for a fixed rate of return.
As the developer we pay zero commissions to any third party on your investment meaning 100% of it goes directly into the project. 
Your investment is also "Asset Backed" meaning you are protected by the value of the asset - the land and the physical properties themselves. 
Our projects are broadly split up into three different segments. The initial stage of any development is the fund raising. Investors make an investment decision based upon the specific project and loan money to us to help complete them. 
Once we have reached our fundraising goal our project & development team begin work with our construction partners to begin developing the land.
Upon completion of the development we then sell the properties paying back the investors their initial capital plus the agreed upon return. 
Investing does not need to be complicated and we have taken a simple yet affective approach in everything that we do.




©2019 by Burcote Developments. & Marketing LTD 

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